Saturday, February 24, 2007

Nominal Christianity. Can we live with it or will we say "enough is enough"? Trouble is that many do not even realize they are stricken with this disease. It is a slow killer that turns a life giving people into zombies...the walking dead. Many would rather continue on 'as is' instead of challenging the status quo. How can you tell? A good way to tell is by her victims. Don't believe it? A little investigating and you will find her victims scattered for miles. You will also find these life-killing zombies still running the church. The hurt or damaged ones leave and the so-called defenders of the faith don't budge. Instead of a stream of living water flowing from them, there can be found man made cisterns that cannot hold water. In other words, the Holy Spirit cannot dwell there. This zombie's name is Ichabod. And they wear their name proudly. Are you a dweller or a follower? Remember, the church, local or universal is not ours to rule. Jesus is the head and we are His body. Or are we?

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